The 5- step ATLAS Roadmap will take you from being uncertain about the strength of your proposal to having clarity and confidence in your rationale, so that you can boldly tailor your value and WIN MORE RFPs
Collectively define your values in the most efficient way to get technical experts to weigh in on the proposal
Conduct Deep Client Research to get into their heads and anticipate what they want in your messaging.
Storyboard content for relevant sections of the RFP to tell a powerful story using clear visual language.
Anticipate how to ask key questions and predict personas around the table during the interview.
I have done several ATLAS workshops for SMPS, AIA, & APA. I am passionate about helping experts tell a better story, and increase diversity in the client's talent pool. This roadmap will teach you the exact action steps you need to take to go from unsure of your proposal strategy, to being able to boldly respond to RFP's.